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40yr Logo on yellow

Welcome to the home of Football Club 77, a men's  soccer club devoted to the enjoyment of soccer.  FC77 was formed in 1977 in Portland Oregon. Over 39 years later this miscellaneous collection of soccer buffs has grown into seven teams.

Our purpose: Playing and supporting the sport of soccer and good fellowship. Our seven teams span Over 30 through Over 58 age divisions and a wide range of play from the serious, to the ridiculous.  On these pages you'll find separate team pages, schedules, game reviews, other soccer links, information if you're interested in trying out for a team and our newsletter.  Explore and if you enjoy soccer, you're among friends.


Summer 2024!

Back-Of-The-Net Flicks Summer 2024

Spring 2024 - Participating Teams

Spring League 2024

Athletic Cup 2023 - Big Turnout!

Lents Park Then, Now. 1979-2023

August 7, 2023.  "I believe it was the largest turnout for this event in our Club history." - Pres. Sean Ingersoll

It was a mild August 5th, 2023 Saturday at Lents Park. Well over 120 participants and families gathered. At times, four 8x8 'Cup' matches were underway simultaneously. Welcome guests from Mojo's and Viet Canyon in attendance. Barbeque, hamburgers and sides, the official foodstuffs, served up to all comers. Glenn's beverage cart dispensing the needed electrolytes. Needless to say, another very well-organized (Thanks to our board!) gathering of the Club.

It is a mere 46 years after one particular cluster of Portland Parks summer-league players each thought, "Hey, I'm younger than Pele; let's form a rec team and play this fall!" That crucial bit of hubris has ultimately led to 10 FC77 men's teams slated play in GPSD's 2023 Fall Season.

The natural tendency towards soccer-team entropy has been staved off, once again, by the efforts and enthusiasm of our Club team managers. The result is was a gathering of the clan where we could all see how many people are positively affected and gain real enjoyment from our soccer fellowship. On to Fall Season 2023!


Fall 2023 - FC77 Final Results

Fall 2023 Results
Click for a bigger view.

Big summer planning session. 2023

The Social Network

Friend Me!

This website is really for yesterday's Club news, carefully curated and stored away for the archeologists of the 22nd century.

  Where can you find the latest pics, gossip and rumors? You're best served by our FC77 Facebook site (@FC77Soccer), and our Instagram posts (@fc77pdx).

Championship Games Result -June 2023

GPSD Calendar:

    Spring 2024 Season               - Mar 9 to Jun 22, 2024
    Manager's Meeting                 - Jul 29, 2024, 7pm,
                                         High Rocks Pub, Gladstone OR. 
    Fall 2024 Registration            - begins July 2024 
   Summer 2024 Legacy Tourn  - Aug 16 thru Aug 18 '24

Contact FC77 Webmaster

FC77 Team Bar 3/2022